Eikon Idiomas

GO THROUGH – Phrasal Verbs

1 – To undergo a difficult experience (passar por uma situação difícil)


The country  is going through a period of economic instability (O país está passando por um período de instabilidade econômica)

We will go through a hard time if things don’t change (Nós passaremos por um tempo difícil se as coisas não mudarem)

You are going through a tough phase (Você está passando por uma fase difícil)


2 – To examine carefully or in a sequence (examinar/procurar cuidadosamente ou em sequência)


She went through sue’s bag (ela procurou cuidadosamente pela bolsa de Sue)

He goes through the report every now and then (Ele examina cuidadosamente os relatórios de vez em quando)


3 – When you are passing through or crossing a place in order to get somewhere else (quando você está passando ou atravessando um local para conseguir chegar em outro)


I always go through security  in the USA (Eu sempre passo pela segurança dos Estados Unidos)

You went through customs yesterday (Você passou pela alfândega ontem)


 Present   Past  Future

I go through

You go through

He goes through

She goes through

It goes through

We go through

You go through

They go through


I went through

You went through

He went through

She went through

It went through

We went through

You went through

They went through


I will go through

You will go through

He will go through

She will go through

It will go through

We will go through

You will go through

They will go through